[View 21+] Home Stairs Steel Design
View Images Library Photos and Pictures. Fabulous mountain modern retreat in the High Sierras

. Wire Railing Straight Steel Wood Stairs Design Double Beam Staircase
Stahltreppen 2013-21-03-k

Geländer und Handläufe | Luginbühl Matthias - Metallbau - Glasbau - Treppenbau
Das Entree im Erdgeschoss mit Kamin, Treppe und Brennholzlager war früher ein Kuhstall
In a family home in Mill Valley, California, Lauren Goldman of l'oro designs kept her clients' goals of "modern yet accessible" in mind while also looking for opportunities to add functionality. This proved successful when she discovered that the empty space under the steel-and-glass stair landing was the perfect scale for children to sit and read under. The team was inspired to create a kid-sized library, turning a useless space into a perfectly cozy reading nook.
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Fabulous mountain modern retreat in the High Sierras
Monday Inspiration | Natalie Nassar
Wire Railing Straight Steel Wood Stairs Design Double Beam Staircase
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